
サミー物語・Sammy's story



それから10年… 2013年3月18日にサミーの直系のミーナが2代目聴導犬として認定されました。サミーが頑張って一緒に歩いて来た道を今度はミーナと一緒に歩いていきます。

津カントリー倶楽部にて サミーと同伴でのゴルフ




ゆんみは友達と一緒に私を引き取ったんだ。 朴セヒュクの足におしっこしちゃんだんだ。おっと。そんなつもりじゃなかった… その日はとっても暑かったなあ。ゆんみは私を抱きかかえて、車に乗ったんだ。 車に慣れてなくて車酔いして吐いてしまったんだ…私は新しいおうちに着いた。そこはゆんみのアパートだった。 私のブリーターがゆんみにどうやって私を育てるかアドバイスしたんだよ。 私は独りで寝なきゃあいけなかったんだけど、できなかったんだ。だって、家族が恋しかったんだもん。 私が産まれたとき、サミーママ、サミーパパ、兄弟、そして 友達が一緒だったもん。今、私はゆんみと言う新しい飼い主。 だから、その朝大声で泣いてしまった。その日は日曜日だった。ゆんみの隣人が苦情にやってきたんだ。 ゆんみが私を隣人にみせたら、「なんて可愛いの。理解できたわ。でもね、静かにね!」ゆんみは私を少しずつ訓練させたんだよ。

I met Yummy in August, 2000. Yummy picked me up with her friend.
I pee on Se-Hyuk Park's foot. Oops. I did not meaning...
I remembered that day was a very hot day. Yummy held me in her arms and I rode her car. I did not use to ride a car, so I spewed... I arrived new home where is Yummy's Apartment.
My breeder advised Yummy how I raise. I must be independent to sleep, but I could not because I missed my family. When I was born, my mother, father, brothers and friends were with me. Now, I have a new keeper who is Yummy. So I cried loudly a lot that morning. That day was on Sunday. Yummy's neighbors complained to see her. When she showed the neighbors about me, they said me, "So sweet puppy! I see. But please keep quietly." Yummy trained me little by little.


見てこの写真! それは生まれて初めてのグローミング。。 (2000年10月19日)
気をつけて! 子犬が全ての注射を受けていないと病気になりやすいんだ。
私は外で遊べたときははじゃきまわったよ。 私はいつも好奇心であふれていたんだよ。

Look at this picture!
It was my first time experience to take a shower (October 19, 2000).
When I finished six shots, I can take a shower. I tell you that when you have a puppy, the puppy cannot take a shower! You must dry a puppy's on a towel until six shots. The puppy must have a shot each two weeks. 
When I finished all shots, I can go out to play.
Be careful! The puppy does not finish the shots,the puppy will get sick easily because the puppy has no immunity to disease. I was so excited to play outside.
I was always so curious. I love to watch people and animals from a window.



Look! That day was on November 18th, 2000. I never forget about spay operation.
Yummy brought me to Vet without my knowledge. Yummy did not pick me up after the operation, it was strange. Yummy always picks me up when I done with Vet. I slept in the Vet hospital that day (November 17th). It was not comfortable!!! Next day, Yummy picked up me. I missed you!!! And I lost control, so I pee on the floor. Yummy told me, "you have bad breath! what happen to you?"Why I have to put head cover??? I could not see wide view and felt cool on my belly. I felt itch on my belly, too. But I could not reach my belly... I was very disturbed by the head cover because I could not play smoothly.I put the head cover for two weeks. The after two weeks, I have my stitches out finally. I feel better!!! Now, I have good breath and I was brushed my teeth by Yummy.


2001年1月3日。冬休み、ゆんみがいろんなところへ連れて行ってくれたんだ。ゆんみはいろんなところで例えば博物館、公衆場所等で私が聴導犬の訓練を受けていると説明したんだ。だから、私を聴導犬としての練習をさせて欲しいと頼み込んだ。その公衆場所では私のこと聴導犬訓練生として認めてくれたんだ。私は一日中家で留守番しなくてもいいんだ。わーい!!!サンキュー ゆんみ! 愛しているよ!ゆんみの為にいい聴導犬になるからね!約束するよ!

January third, 2001.
The winter vacation, Yummy brought me different places. Yummy tried to explain any place such as museum and the public about me who is going to be a Hearing dog.Yummy begged them let me practice as a Hearing dog. They accept me as a pre-hearing dog.So I did not need to stay in home all day. Yes!!! Thank you Yummy! I love Yummy!I will be good Hearing dog for Yummy! I promise!!!


2001年1月17日。ゆんみは私の為に犬の公園を見つけてくれたんだ。その場所は私の大好きな遊び場。その公園に近づくとわくわくするんだ。写真の写りが悪いけど、犬に為に長いフェンスが張っているのが見えるでしょ。犬たちはその場で自由に遊べるんだ。 最初、私は照れ屋なので犬たちと遊ぶことが出来ずゆんみと後をつけるだけだった。しかし、ある日ゆんみが犬の里親のボランティアしていた。ゆんみは「レックス」というボーダーコリーを引き取ったんだ。レックスは私の最初の友達。 彼はどうやって他の犬と遊ぶか教えてくれたんだ。今までに他の犬との遊んだことがなかった。 いつもゆんみ化ゆんみの友人と遊んでいたんだ。レックスは友好的で活発である! レックスはいつもそこへ行かないと満足しないんだ。レックスはそこに着くとすぐに駆け回り他の犬と遊ぶのだ。 わたしはただ彼の後を着いてどうやって遊ぶか学んだ。 それは面白かった。ゆんみに頼る必要がないからね。今は他と犬と遊べるようになったんだよ。 えへん!レックスと同じように友好的な犬になったんだよ。 ありがとうね、レックス!そして、レックスは新しい飼い主が見つかったんだ。寂しくなるよ。

January 17th, 2001. Yummy found Dog park for me.The place is my favorite place.
I am always so excited when I approach near the park.The picture is bad. But you can see there is long fence for dog. The dogs are free to play.First time, I was very shy. So I could not join other dogs instead of Yummy.But one day, Yummy worked as a volunteer for dog foster.Yummy got a dog which is called "Rex" (border collie). That was my first friend.He taught me how play with dogs. I have never played with other dog.I always play with Yummy and Yummy's friends.Rex is very friendly and full of vigor! Rex always wanted to go the Dog Park.When Rex arrived there, he always runs around and plays with other dogs.I just followed with him and learn how to play.it was fun. I do not need to depend on Yummy anymore.Now I know how to play with other dogs. ahem!Then I become friendly as Rex! Thank you Rex.Rex found a new home, I miss you.


ゆんみは 「日本で2週間後会おう!」
2週間検疫を受けなければならなくて、ずっと成田空港内にいた。ゆんみが恋しい。 世話してくれる人は優しいけど、関心のゆんみがいない。我慢する事、2週間経った。おっさんが私を車に乗せてどこかへ連れて行こうとする。犬さらいだ。 逃げなきゃあ、でもカゴに中じゃあどうにもならん。居座ってやるか。とすると、ゆんみのにおい!ゆんみがそこにいるんだ。早く会いたいよ。 カゴに中で一生懸命にゆんみを呼んだ。あっ。ゆんみの顔が見えた。早くカゴから出してくれ!会いたかったよ。思い切り甘えたる。ゆんみも私の事恋しかったんだよね?

As the days go by, Yummy decide to go back to Japan.
I do not understand why Yummy pack up a lot of boxes.
When I try to follow as help Yummy's packing, Yummy say to me, "Does not disturb me!"One day, two strangers came at my home.Yummy! They are dangerous! Please be behind me! Yummy tell me, "they are a housing-moving person. You are cumbersome. Get in your house!"I am very worry and start acting violently in my house. When the house-moving persons finish to carry Yummy's boxes, they leave somewhere. I fell relieved when I get out from my house.Yummy! You are safe now.Yummy bring me to my birth place.
I feel a longing for the place.Oh, the same kind of my bleed. Let's play! Oh, You are in kennel.The night, I sleep without Yummy instead of other dogs. It is my first experience.
After two days, I am in hard- carrier for airplane. Why? Yummy, where do you go? Yummy, "I will meet you in Japan in two weeks."
I am like a cargo and flew to Japan.I am quarantined in Narita airport for two weeks.I miss Yummy! The man is very kind enough to do for me, but Yummy is not here. I am patient for two weeks. A man try to bring me somewhere. Ah, the man is dog-napping! I must be escape, but I can not do because I am in small hard-carrier. I suddenly took the offensive.
Then I have a smell of Yummy.
Yummy is there! I want to meet Yummy in hurry. I try to call Yummy.I cry out when I see Yummy's face.Please get off me hurry up. I am very miss Yummy! I fawn on Yummy.
Yummy miss me a lot, isn't Yummy



いくつか家庭犬もいるんだけどね。 そこは犬の訓練士になる為の学校でもあるんだ。ゆんみは聴導犬訓練士の水越さんとその理事長藤井さんと話し込んでいる。 その日、またゆんみと離れる事になるとは思わなかった。アメリカからだった一人で貨物扱いで帰ってきたかと思ったら動物検疫に2週間ほどいてはやっとゆんみに会えて嬉しかったのに。 その喜びは束の間…私はまたゆんみとこの先6ヶ月離れる事になるとは思わなかった。水越さんからゆんみに約束事があって帰るときはバイバイとか言わず無視して帰るようにと。 だからゆんみは帰り際に私を無視して帰った。いつもなら必ずゆんみから説明があっては私なりに理解していたんだけどなあ。

I enter the dormitory of hearing dog on June 6, 2001.
The Place is in Saitama and the school is called All Dog Center.There are a lot of German shepherds of the here splash and the police dog.There are some home dogs, too. There is a school of Dog trainer, too.Yummy talks with a trainer, Mizukoshi, and the president, Fujii.I do not expected that I separate from Yummy again this day.
I was like a freight and returned alone from USA.Then I was quarantined in Narita airport for two weeks. Finally I could meet Yummy.I was so happy the moment.My joy was short-lived... Really I am not expected I will be alone from now on for six months.Mizukoshi warns Yummy, " do not say bye-bye to Sammy and ignore her."That is way Yummy ignores me to go home. Yummy always explains me and I always understand...


寮に入って最初のゆんみと一緒に訓練する日。寮に入ってから3日間は食事に手をつけなかった。だってゆんみがいないんだもん。水越さんなんか私のボスじゃないもん。ぷいっ。 水越さんの我慢の限度で美味しいものを私にくれた。 わーい。これなら食べるねん。水越さん曰く「新しい犬を扱うとき、1週間もあればその犬が何を考えているか分かるのにサミーは何を考えているかまったく読めない!」 ゆんみが「サミーのこと普通の犬と同じように扱っては駄目だよ」と。
リードをぴんと張らず緩める事で犬との引っ張りっこにならない。  ゆんみの行きたい方向に合わせることで私は楽に歩けるのだ。私が勝手に歩くとゆんみが引っ張ってきては首が苦しい。はい、私のボスはゆんみです。 でも、ゆんみは私のママだから甘えてしまってすねてしまうのだ。水越さんは容赦無く引っ張れとゆんみに言う。 「サミーは服従心が足りないからそれを強める事が必要。」余計な事をゆんみに言うなよと私は思った。

First day of training with Yummy since I entered the dormitory of hearing dog.
When I entered the dorm, I did not eat at all for three days because Yummy was not here.
Mizukoshi is not my boss! Huh!She gave me tasty food because she could not stand for my fasting. Whoopee! I like to eat it!
She says, " I can understand what a dog thinking when I handle a new client dog.However, I could not read Sammy's mind at all."Yummy says, "Sammy is different from other dogs which you have been handling."
-obedience training-
Do not stain lead! Then the dog will not pull to walk.I must follow Yummy's way to go, then I will be easy to walk.If I have my own way, my neck will be painfully because Yummy pull the lead.Yes, my boss is Yummy; however, I get sulky and fawn on Yummy because she is my mom.Mizukoshi says Yummy, " Pull the lead without mercy! Sammy does not have obedience enough."I think it is "Excuse my interference!"


ゆんみが気がついたこと。子犬のシェパードの耳に白いテープが貼られていた。  耳が大きすぎるとか皮膚が厚いとピンと立つはずの耳が立てられず,下がってしまう。 そうならないようにテープを1~2週間毎日貼っては耳をピンと立たさせるように意識つけするそうです。
私に友たちが出来たから笑顔を取り戻したよ。いつもゆんみがいなくて寂しかったけどもう大丈夫だよ。 頑張って一人で寝ているよ。
今日は私の大好きな障害物越え。得意もんよ。 十字状に立ててある障害物を弧を描くように3から5回越えたよ。後はトンネルくぐり。 それも得意。ただっと入り口から入ってはすぐ出口に出るのだ。その日にゆんみに宿題!ふふっ。 ゆんみは犬についての勉強しなければならないのだ。そして練習問題も出された。頑張ってねゆんみ。

July 2,2001. I train with Yummy four times, today.
From now on Yummy's father takes a videotape about my training.
It will be a documentary file.Yummy notices.
A puppy, which is a German Shepard, is pasted tape its ears. The ears are too big and the ears' skins are thick, the ears do not rise.
So, the puppy's ears are pasted tape everyday and it continues for one to two weeks.The puppy will be aware of rising his ears.
mmmm. I do not need it because my pretty ears rise from born.
Finally, I smile since I enroll this dog school because I make a new friend. I missed Yummy a lot, but now I am fine. I can sleep myself. Today is my favorite jumping of an obstacle.
I take a jump around obstacles, which stand crosswise, three to five times.And I pass through a tunnel. It is at my strongest. I can pass through it quickly!This day, Yummy has a homework. He! he! Yummy must study about dogs!And she gets a practice problems.
Keep going!


日本の聴導犬は柴犬型で小さめだから私のサイズだと大型になってしまうのだ。アメリカでは中型にあたるのにな。 私の体重は20から25キロまでだから大きくは無いと思うなあ。 私は探すのが得意だからトレーナーがかくれんぼして探し当てるのは簡単だよ。わはは。音が聞こえても音の方向に行かない私。音は聞こえるんだけどどこへ行けばいいの? トレーナーはドアのところにえさを置いてドアベルが鳴ったら私はえさをもらえるんだと思い、ドアのところへいく。 えさを食べたらゆんみのところへ行ってはまたえさを貰う。 そしてゆんみをドアのところへ誘導する。ドアを開けたら又餌が食べられるのだ。それを何回か繰り返すのだ。今日は暑いなあ。

Training beginning of sound.
Hearing Dog Center is too small for me because the room size is for small-sized dog such as Shiba-inu.
I train standard size room at a private house.
In USA, my size is middle but in Japan my size is large... I think that my weight is 20 to 25 kg (40lb), so I am not a big dog. It is easy for my looking for to find the hiding of the sweat shirt because of good. hehehe. I can hear sound, but I do not know what I should do. I think that food can be gotten, and go to the door when the sweat shirt puts food on the door and rings the door bell. I get food again when going to Yummy's place when I eat food. And, I induce her to the door. When she opens the door, I can eat food again.It is repeated several times.It is a hot day.


私は横になってゆんみはゆんみの足の間に私の体が挟むようにするのだ。 そのほうが私とゆんみの心のコミュニケーションが取れるのだ。スキンシップが必要なのだ。 爪切り、歯磨き、など一気に出来てしまうのだ。そしてゆんみは私の体をマッサージしながら私の健康状態を調べることも出来るのだ。

Yummy learns how to brush my beautiful coat!
I will understand that the act is going to grooming for me when Yummy spread a mat.
I lay down by Yummy's lap and Yummy's legs hold my body.The skin-ships makes our communication smoothly. A nail clipper, brushing my teeth, etc, Yummy can do them at a stretch. And Yummy gives me massage and she can check the condition of my health.



I was in a quarantine station at Narita Airport for two weeks. I miss Yummy so much at the time. look at this picture, I just stared vacantly into space.

私ね、取材されたんだよ。季刊リラティオという獣医さんが読むような雑誌に載ったんだよ。特集ー障害者福祉における動物の存在ー2 サービスドッグとともに生きる社会づくり表紙はサミーの先輩の聴導犬美音が飾っています

I was interviewed by the magazine of Relatio which is for veterinarian. Feature articles - Animal's existence in physically handicapped person welfare-2 Social-making where people live with service dog Sammy's senior's hearing dog, Mio, decorates the cover.

聴導犬への道 最終章

68.jpg.jpg~Road of a Hearing Dog The final chapter~

This is Graduation Exam! Yummy's tension was transmitted to me.
So I get nervous a bit and pay attention Yummy's order


Celebration of certificate for Hearing Dog 2001, 12,25
I cleared up and became hearing dog for No.16 in Japan.